Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Active Voice

Present tense.
1.     Simple Present Tense.
Simple present tense adalah bentuk tense yang paling umum digunakan. Bentuk ini biasanya digunakan untuk menunjukan fakta, kebiasaan, dan kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini.


Positive= Rondo decides to negotiate with the new company owner.
Negative= Rondo doesn’t decide to negotiate with the new company owner.
Interogative= Does Rondo decide to negotiate with the new company owner?.

2.     Present Continous Tense.
Present continuous tense biasanya digunakan untuk membicarakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung saat pembicaraan sedang berlangsung atau bisa juga digunakan untuk rencana di masa depan.

(S+to be (is,am,are)+V1+ing+O).

Positive= Rondo is negotiating with the outlet owner right now.
Negative= Rondo is not negotiating with the outlet owner right now.
Interogative= Is Rondo negotiating with the outlet owner right now?.

3.     Present Perfect Tense.
Present perfect tense menekankan pada hasil. Tense ini menunjukkan aksi yang masih sedang berlangsung atau baru saja selesai.


Positive= Rondo has already estimated that rupiah stock market will drop.
Negative= Rondo hasn’t estimated that rupiah stock market will drop.
Interogative= Has Rondo estimated that rupiah stock market will drop?.

4.     Present Perfect Continous Tense.
Present perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk  mengungkapkan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik dimasa lampau atau aksi telah dimulai di masa lalu dan terus berlanjut sampai sekarang. Biasanya aksi tersebut ada durasi waktu tertentu dan ada relevansinya dengan kondisi sekarang.


Positive= Rondo has been estimating rupiah stock market price will drop since 2005.
Negative= Rondo has not been estimating rupiah stock market price will drop since 2005.
Interogative= Has Rondo been estimating rupiah stock market price will drop since 2005?.

Past tense.
1.     Simple Past Tense.
Simple past tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau.


Positive= Donny decided to sell his business yesterday.
Negative= Donny did not decide to sell his business yesterday.
Interogative= Did Donny decide to sell his business yesterday?.

2.     Past Continous Tense.
Past continuous tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Biasanya ada dua kejadian di masa lampau dan satu kejadian menginterupsi kejadian yang lain.Kejadian yang sedang diinterupsi tersebut yang menggunakan past continuous tense.

(S+to be (was/were)+V1+ing+O).

Positive= Donny was establishing his business when I decided to quit my job.
Negative= Donny was not establishing his business when I decided to quit my job.
Interogative= Was Donny establishing his business when I decided to quit my job?.

3.     Past Perfect Tense.
Past perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah kejadian yang terjadi sebelum waktu tertentu di masa lampau dan lebih menekankan pada fakta daripada durasi.


Positive= Donny had decided to quit his job before established his business yesterday.
Negative= Donny had not decided to quit his job until yesterday.
Interogative= Had Donny decided to quit his job yesterday?.

4.     Past Perfect Continous Tense.
Past perfect continuous tense hampir serupa dengan past perfect tense. Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aksi yang terjadi di masa lalu dan telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu, tapi tense ini menekankan pada durasi kejadiannya.


Positive= Donny had been negotiating with his company owner since 11 a.m yesterday.
Negative= Donny had not been negotiating with his company owner since a year ago.
Interogative= Had Donny been negotiating with his company owner since a year ago?.

Future Tense.
1.     Simple Future Tense.
Simple Future tense mengindikasikan suatu aksi di masa yang akan datang dan tidak dapat dipengaruhi. Dapat juga digunakan untuk pembuatan keputusan di masa depan yang spontan atau asumsi yang berhubungan dengan masa yang akan datang.


Positive= Rina will establish her new business next week
Negative= Rina will not establish her new business soon.
Interogative= Will Rinna establish her new business next week?.

2.     Future Continous Tense.
Future continuous tense menunjukkan aksi yang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang dan aksi yang pasti akan terjadi dalam waktu dekat.


Positive= Rina will be establishing her new business at 9 a.m tomorrow morning.
Negative= Rina will not be establishing her new business tomorrow.
Interogative= Will Rina be establishing her new business tomorrow?.

3.     Future Perfect Tense.
Future perfect tense menekankan pada aksi yang sudah berakhir pada waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.


Positive= Rina will have negotiated with the investor by tomorrow morning.
Negative= Rina will not have negotiated with the investor by tomorrow morning.
Interogative= Will Rina have negotiated with the investor by tomorrow morning?.

4.     Future Perfect Continous Tense.
Hampir sama dengan semua jenis perfect continuous tense, future perfect continuous tense merupakan serangkaian aksi yang terjadi  sebelum waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.


Positive= Rina will have been negotiating with the investor for next 2 hours.
Negative= Rina will have not been negotiating with the investor for next 2 hours.
Interogative= Will Rina have been negotiating with the investor for next couple hours?.

Past Future Tense.
1.     Simple Past Future Tense.
Past future tense pada dasarnya digunakan dalam kalimat yang tidak langsung, dimana terdapat perubahan bentuk untuk menyesuaikan dengan rangkaian peristiwa yang ada.


Positive= Jono would conduct his staff tomorrow.
Negative= Jono would not conduct his staff tomorrow.
Interogative= Would Jono conduct his staff tomorrow?.

2.     Past Future Continous Tense.
Past future continuous tense menekankan pada serangkaian atau durasi sebuah aksi terjadi.   Sebagai tambahan, ini juga biasanya digunakan pada kalimat tidak langsung.


Positive= Jono would be conducting his staff this whole afternoon.
Negative= Jono would not be conducting his staff today.
Interogative= Would be Jono conducting his staff today?.

3.     Past Future Perfect Tense.
Terdapat 3 waktu dalam past future perfect yang terjadi di masa lalu. Menunjuk pada waktu yang akan datang, waktu tertentu di masa lalu, tetapi aksi yang terjadi harus sudah selesai sebelum waktu yang akan datang. Dan biasanya digunakan pada kalimat tidak langsung.


Positive= Jono would have negotiated with the investor at 3 p.m yesterday.
Negative= Jono would not have negotiated with the investor last month.
Interogative= Would Jono have negotiated with the investor last week?.

4.     Past Future Perfect Continous Tense.
Past future perfect continuous tense merupakan bentuk tense yang cukup sulit. Namun, kamu dapat mempelajarinya dari past future perfect tense. Bedanya, past future perfect tense menekankan pada durasi waktu yang sudah berlalu dan hasil.


Positive= Jono would have been negotiating with Rina about tomorrow event since this morning.
Negative= Jono would not have been negotating with Rina about tomorrow event, this morning.
Interogative= Would Jono have been negotiating with Rina about tomorrow event this morning?.



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